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6 Ways to Boost Your Computer’s Performance

We live in a fast-paced environment, and we are always searching for the quickest way to complete tasks. Who has time to wait for a sluggish machine when we can’t wait for our burger at the nearest fast-food restaurant, our coffee to brew, or our microwave popcorn to pop?

Aside from adding more RAM to your machine, there are six steps you can take to improve its efficiency. The majority of these measures would allow you to speed up your device for free because they are software that is already installed on your computer.

6 Ways to Boost Your Computer's Performance
waste paper bin

Emptying the Recycle Bin

is one of the first things you can do. It’s easy to do. Simply place your cursor over the Recycle Bin icon on your screen, right-click, and select “Empty Recycle Bin.”


Next, launch Internet Explorer and navigate to Tools > Internet Options. Then, click “Delete Cookies,” followed by “Delete Files.” Check the box next to “Delete all offline material” and click OK. After that, press OK to close the Internet Options window and Internet Explorer.

clear cookies
Disk cleanup


Since those two steps from 6 Ways to Boost Your Computer’s Performance are the easiest and most straightforward, we got them out of the way first. Following that, we’ll do a Disk Cleanup. To do so, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then Disk Cleanup. The disk cleanup feature will now start calculating how much room you can free up. When it’s over, you’ll be given a list of files to delete. It should already be reviewed for some files, so you can go through the list and cross off all the files you want to delete before clicking OK.

It is now time to do a disk defragmentation. Since this can be a lengthy process, you should usually schedule it when you have other things going on. Set it up, then watch your favourite TV show, mowing the lawn, or working out. You get the picture. Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then Disk Defragmenter. Select Analyze. If you’re lucky, you’ll see the message “You do not need to defragment this volume,” but more than likely, you’ll have to click “Defragment.” If so, click on it, do something else, and come back in an hour or two.



After that, it’s time to run a spyware search. Most people are unaware of how simple it is to become infected with spyware, so performing periodic scans is strongly recommended. You are free to use any anti-spyware software you want. Just keep in mind that no one software will get rid of anything. To be on the safe side, run at least three separate initiatives. You will be shocked by what they discover. You could have spyware running on your computer without even realizing it. When the scans are finished, and all of the spyware has been removed, it’s time for the final stage.



The final move is to perform an anti-virus scan. Hopefully, your machine has anti-virus software installed. If you don’t already have one, please get one as soon as possible. Run the anti-virus software after it has been configured. Depending on how many files you have on your hard drive, this could take anything from 20 minutes to a couple of hours, so set it and then do something else. You can return in about an hour.



Once you have followed 6 Ways to Boost Your Computer’s Performance,  restart your machine, and you’ll be amazed at how much more responsive it is now. It’s a good idea to do these six measures at least once a week (some steps you can even set up to be done automatically). This will keep your machine running just as well as it did when you first bought it.

Credits : klikmedia

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